12 Predict parental breeding values

Now that we tested genomic prediction accuracy using cross-validation, we can run genomic predictions.

In the previous section where we introduced genomic prediction, we learned how to use the mmer() function in library(sommer) to run GBLUP models and also rrBLUP models.

For the actual predictions, we can use the function build into library(genomicMateSelectR), runGenomicPredictions(). You can find the documentation for that function by clicking here.

runGenomicPredictions() is a wrapper that uses mmer() under-the-hood. It expects de-regressed BLUPs and weights as input.

12.1 Process Map

12.2 Set-up for the predictions

Similar set-up to what we did for cross-validation.

Load the BLUps and the kinship matrix.

blups %<>% 
     # based on cross-validation, decided to exclude MCMDS from this analysis
     filter(Trait != "MCMDS") %>% 
     # need to rename the "blups" list to comply with the runCrossVal function
     rename(TrainingData=blups) %>% 
     dplyr::select(Trait,TrainingData) %>% 
     # need also to remove phenotyped-but-not-genotyped lines
                             ~filter(.,germplasmName %in% rownames(A)) %>% 
                                  # rename the germplasmName column to GID

#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   Trait   TrainingData      
#>   <chr>   <list>            
#> 1 DM      <tibble [346 × 6]>
#> 2 logFYLD <tibble [350 × 6]>
#> 3 logDYLD <tibble [348 × 6]>

Selection index:

#>      DM logFYLD logDYLD 
#>      15      20      20

Only difference: do not subset the kinship matrix. Or more precisely, keep any genotypes meant to be either in the training set (phenotyped-and-genotyped) and those that are selection candidates (not-necessarily-genotyped).

In this example, simply leave all lines in the kinship matrix.

12.3 Run genomic predictions

                              selInd=TRUE, SIwts=SIwts,
#> Loading required package: furrr
#> Loading required package: future
#> iteration    LogLik     wall    cpu(sec)   restrained
#>     1      -187.325   9:29:57      0           0
#>     2      -187.167   9:29:57      0           0
#>     3      -187.095   9:29:57      0           0
#>     4      -187.077   9:29:58      1           0
#>     5      -187.075   9:29:58      1           0
#>     6      -187.075   9:29:58      1           0
#> iteration    LogLik     wall    cpu(sec)   restrained
#>     1      -135.425   9:29:58      1           0
#>     2      -135.406   9:29:58      1           0
#>     3      -135.395   9:29:58      1           0
#>     4      -135.391   9:29:58      1           0
#>     5      -135.39   9:29:58      1           0
#> iteration    LogLik     wall    cpu(sec)   restrained
#>     1      -146.037   9:29:58      0           0
#>     2      -146.031   9:29:58      0           0
#>     3      -146.028   9:29:58      0           0
#>     4      -146.027   9:29:59      1           0

12.4 Extract GEBV

Let’s look at the output.

#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   gblups             genomicPredOut  
#>   <list>             <list>          
#> 1 <tibble [963 × 6]> <tibble [3 × 4]>

We have a single-row tibble.

To access a simple table listing GEBV for each trait and the selection index:

#> # A tibble: 963 × 6
#>    GID                predOf SELIND      DM logFYLD  logDYLD
#>    <chr>              <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 IITA-TMS-IBA30572  GEBV    -7.85 -0.610   0.0303  0.0348 
#>  2 IITA-TMS-IBA940237 GEBV     1.04  0.0983 -0.0124 -0.00961
#>  3 IITA-TMS-IBA961642 GEBV    15.0   0.808   0.0741  0.0713 
#>  4 IITA-TMS-ONN920168 GEBV     3.65  0.284  -0.0129 -0.0172 
#>  5 IITA-TMS-WAR4080   GEBV    -6.53 -0.529   0.0313  0.0391 
#>  6 IITA-TMS-WAR4092   GEBV    -6.28 -0.513   0.0305  0.0404 
#>  7 IITA-TMS-WAR820249 GEBV     3.33  0.0289  0.0752  0.0699 
#>  8 IITA-TMS-WAR820422 GEBV     4.11  0.0639  0.0831  0.0746 
#>  9 IITA-TMS-WAR940009 GEBV    13.2   0.749   0.0482  0.0480 
#> 10 IITA-TMS-WAR940017 GEBV   -15.3  -1.12    0.0463  0.0240 
#> # … with 953 more rows

At this point, you can use the SELIND predictions directly to rank and select parents.

Example: sort by SELIND and pick the top 10…

gpreds$gblups[[1]] %>% 
     arrange(desc(SELIND)) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#>    GID                predOf SELIND    DM  logFYLD  logDYLD
#>    <chr>              <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 TMS13F1307P0008    GEBV     26.7  1.59  0.0540   0.0880 
#>  2 TMS14F1035P0004    GEBV     26.5  1.63  0.0264   0.0774 
#>  3 TMS14F1262P0002    GEBV     24.3  1.35  0.0877   0.110  
#>  4 TMS19F1091P0065    GEBV     22.4  1.25  0.0742   0.105  
#>  5 TMS14F1303P0012    GEBV     22.2  1.44  0.00866  0.0197 
#>  6 TMS14F1312P0003    GEBV     22.0  1.38  0.0258   0.0413 
#>  7 TMS19F1041P0112    GEBV     20.5  1.05  0.104    0.134  
#>  8 TMS19F1050P0056    GEBV     20.3  1.25  0.0175   0.0615 
#>  9 TMS14F1284P0019    GEBV     20.2  1.39 -0.0310  -0.00172
#> 10 IITA-TMS-ZAR000120 GEBV     19.9  1.32 -0.0156   0.0209

For more detailed output, including variance component estimates:

#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   Trait   gblups             varcomps     fixeffs     
#>   <chr>   <list>             <list>       <list>      
#> 1 DM      <tibble [963 × 2]> <df [2 × 4]> <df [1 × 5]>
#> 2 logFYLD <tibble [963 × 2]> <df [2 × 4]> <df [1 × 5]>
#> 3 logDYLD <tibble [963 × 2]> <df [2 × 4]> <df [1 × 5]>
#>                         VarComp VarCompSE   Zratio
#> u:GIDa.drgBLUP-drgBLUP 1.427019 0.5677452 2.513485
#> units.drgBLUP-drgBLUP  4.766819 0.4955154 9.619921
#>                        Constraint
#> u:GIDa.drgBLUP-drgBLUP   Positive
#> units.drgBLUP-drgBLUP    Positive

12.5 Save the results

saveRDS(gpreds,file = here::here("output","genomicPredictions.rds"))