function to create a tidy tibble from a list of runBreedingScheme simulations




a list of AlphaSimHlpR sims (result of runBreedingScheme)


a tidy tibble with one row per simulation, cols: records (tibble of all phenotypic records with indicator added for "year" and "stageName"), simulatedpop (the pop-class object from the sim), bsp and SP for the sim.


sims <- map(1:2,~runBreedingScheme(replication = .,nCycles = 7, initializeFunc = initFuncADChk, productPipeline = prodPipeFncChk, populationImprovement = popImprov1Cyc, bsp = bsp))
#> Error in map(1:2, ~runBreedingScheme(replication = ., nCycles = 7, initializeFunc = initFuncADChk, productPipeline = prodPipeFncChk, populationImprovement = popImprov1Cyc, bsp = bsp)): could not find function "map"
sims <- tidysims(sims)
#> Loading required package: magrittr
#> Loading required package: purrr
#> #> Attaching package: ‘purrr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:magrittr’: #> #> set_names
#> Error in eval_tidy(xs[[j]], mask): object 'sims' not found